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It's A Journey

Let Me Love You

Writer: Wanda J. ThompsonWanda J. Thompson

Updated: Jan 31, 2021

Because of His love for us Christ willingly accepted a death sentence. He died and rose again so we could live forever after we transition through our physical death. When we willingly accept Him we are heirs of Christ therefore having our sins forgiven and the right to eternal life.

Romans 8:1-4 (NIV)

8 Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus,because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death.  For what the law was powerless to do because it was weakened by the flesh, God did by sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh to be a sin offering. And so he condemned sin in the flesh,  in order that the righteous requirement of the law might be fully met in us, who do not live according to the flesh but according to the Spirit.

As heirs of Christ there are many other benefits we are entitled to here on earth when we willingly leave our hearts open and accept them. We receive all benefits of Jesus Christ through an open heart.

Proverbs 4:20-23 NIV

My son, pay attention to what I say; turn your ear to my words.   Do not let them out of your sight, keep them within your heart;   for they are life to those who find them and health to one’s whole body.   Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.

Guarding your heart means to keep watch over, not to keep everything out.  Be alert and protective of your heart not fearful and unyielding. Do you withhold your heart because of fear? Is it easier to go through the motions and do your duty but withhold your heart? Duty is not necessarily showing love, sometimes it can be used to manipulate. It can be a part of love but duty alone is not love. Withholding bits and pieces without giving your whole heart in your close relationships can backfire. When we build walls with no doors we are being deceived. We are not protecting ourselves we have just built our own trap with no exit. Then like Job what we fear the most can come upon us.

Job 3:25-26 (NIV)

What I feared has come upon me;    what I dreaded has happened to me.  I have no peace, no quietness;     I have no rest, but only turmoil.”

Your heart is what creates the bonds that bind. Your heart is what connects you to those you love. No heart no connection, no connection no bond. Vulnerability is essential with those you love and who love you back. To some of us vulnerability equals weakness, to others vulnerability means opening the door to pain, for others vulnerability has  never seemed to be an option for the sake of survival. But vulnerability will also take us outside of ourselves and form deep connections with those we love. That is our dilemma. How do we protect ourselves from the pain without shutting out the pleasure? The bad news is you can’t but the better news is God is big enough, smart enough and loves you enough to take care of your heart. He will lead you, guide you, warn you and care for you.

What are we to do?……. We are to work to keep our hearts open because it is all too easy to shut down. If you train yourself to listen for and obey His voice He will show you who is worthy of your heart. Heed his promptings pay attention to that feeling and do not put your desire above His instruction. He will send what you need when you need it and send people to show His love, do not discount or disregard them. Let Him love you through whomever He chooses. Don’t block Him, don’t send Him away. Don’t refuse Him if His love doesn’t come the way you want it and through whom you have chosen. Let Him choose how to show His love for you. Be open to it. Ease your disappointment when you don’t get the love you want from those you want it from. They need Him too. Give yourself a break….and then give someone else one. Hear Him, listen to Him, trust Him and relax. Let go of the pain the torment and the pressure. You don’t have to force the issue and you don’t have to make it happen for yourself. He’s got this and He’s got you. Do you hear? Don’t be afraid to show your heart, every good thing will flow from it if you keep it open to Christ.

Philippians 4:5-9 NIV

Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.   Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.

Let someone in. Let Him in


Ms. Wanda, GAC




I'm Wanda the creator of “It’s a Journey” Blog.  The purpose of this Blog is to  encouraged you to  fulfill the purpose and plan God has for your life. A journey that may be full of obstacles but also one full of grace. Please comment and share your thoughts! 

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