Thank You Jesus
Updated: Jan 31, 2021
I admit I can easily get distracted. So I have learned to be thankful for anything that drives me to the feet of my Lord and Savior. He is faithful even when I am not. He relentlessly pursues me. I am learning the true meaning of love because of His relentless pursuit. I did nothing to deserve Him yet He pursues. When I call He answers. When I seek I always find. I see and recognize Him everywhere and am extremely grateful for His time, attention, love, grace, mercy and salvation. Thank you Lord Jesus for being my friend, confidant, encourager, persuader, cheerleader, protector and my passionate patient Savior. You alone are worthy and I give You all the praise.
Just felt like honoring Him today. He is truly a model for us and no matter where we are in our pursuit of Him He is always there. If you have questions ask Him and He will tell you what you need to know or let you know there is no need to get in His lane and He has you. Do you have doubts? tell Him and He will reassure you. Hurts? lay them at His feet and He will heal them. Confusion? He will calm your spirit and give you peace. Needs? don’t be proud express them and He will provide. We learn to love Him for who He is because of what He freely gives……..Himself. All the many parts of Himself that speak to what we need.
I love Him today….not like I did when I first met Him…He has changed and evolved in my heart and mind. My first experience was as a child growing up in the church. I thought God was to be feared and respected and you better not do wrong. Then one day I met Him for myself and felt His unconditional love. Then He became my teacher… Then He became my guide…then He became my Daddy (I am my Father’s daughter) and comforter…..then He became my assignment giver, the One I answer to….and now He is the giver of Mercy…on this journey it sometimes feels as though I am in a dark room trying to feel my way and just when I feel hopelessly lost the hand of mercy grabs me, pulls me close and won’t let me go. Oh how I love Him, Oh how I love Jesus. And as the song says….because He first loved me.

Ms. Wanda, GAC
P.S. My closing “Live” Ms. Wanda, GAC was a typo. I meant to put “Love” but the Lord said leave it. So Live feeling the Love! Jesus truly Loves you!