Your Perceptions, His Plans
Updated: Jan 31, 2021
Have you reached your potential or are you living below it? Potential is not just about the money you can make, the titles you can hold, the degrees you can obtain. It’s more about are you reaching to become your higher self or are you settling. Have you created an environment both physically and spiritually to allow the growth of your potential and others or have you allowed an environment that sabotages potential? Are you making excuses because the desire in you really doesn’t match your perception of yourself?
It is often a problem for us when God calls because God doesn’t wait for us to feel “ready”. He works on His timing not yours. This can lead to an enormous inner struggle when your perception of yourself does not match up with the direction he is leading you. God will sometimes begin to speak to your heart when you are in such a state that makes you turn around and say “are you talking to me?”. Others may be looking on wondering the same thing. Afterall, you don’t seem to be in the process let alone ready. And even if you are in the process you certainly have not arrived. Man….not God takes that into consideration. Because of this you can find yourself right in the line of fire! God will not be confined to a certain place, building or people. He is everywhere and He lives within us. We are called to shine and to allow His light to shine through wherever we may find ourselves. Your calling is you using the gifts He has placed in you to help someone else. What you do may change but your calling is the same. When my kids were little they were my calling. They are grown now and do not need constant mothering as a developing child would. So my focus has shifted. But what God placed in me is the same and I focus it in different ways. Some of what we do comes natural and easy but other things God asks us to do may be outside of our comfort zone and that’s when living up to our potential becomes more difficult.
When God has put something in your heart you must push past your willingness to stay in the box you or others may have put you in. Get over not wanting to be judged, it comes with the territory. The judgement that does the most damage and stops you in your tracks is your own. That kind of thinking disguises itself as insecurity, pride, self-preservation and even intellect but it’s all about the ego. But thank goodness God is not moved positively or negatively by your ego. He just has a plan, formed because He knew you even before you made your entrance into this world (read Jeremiah 1:5). The world may try to shape you but He is the One who formed you.
It starts where it always should, with you and Him. You have to buy into what He has placed inside of you before anyone else can. You have to trust that He can, will and does use anyone He chooses in any way He chooses. He doesn’t have to ask permission from others on your behalf, He doesn’t need your resume, and does not require experience. He just wants your trust. Your trust in Him and what He is doing. Especially when you don’t know what that is. Especially when you can’t see the end from the beginning. Especially when it doesn’t feel good and doesn’t look right and you are misunderstood, taken for granted and cast aside. Trust is what He wants and it’s what you need to keep moving forward. Don’t get caught up in the side shows or the distractions that are sent to derail you. Keep focused on God, His Word and more importantly His Love. When you trust that He loves you, has your back and means you no ill will you will fly like an eagle high above your problems, your trouble and judgements. When you are soaring with God the gnats of life seem so insignificant. Never give them undue attention. Focus on His agenda. Listen to His plans for you.
Jeremiah 29:11 NIV
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord , “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Stop seeking permission to let your light shine, you won’t get it. Not from God because He already created you for that purpose. Not from others because it’s not their place and that’s too much pressure and responsibility to place on those in relationship with you. Yes you will feel lonely and alone sometimes but that, Beloved is an illusion designed to snuff out your light. You are NEVER alone. If God is all you have then He is all you need. But there are more people than you know that recognize and appreciate your light. Those that don’t are truly not your problem. Keep those that love you close, even if they don’t get you, you can still draw from their love to give you strength. And more importantly keep God closer. Living up to your potential depends on your perceptions. If the way you have been living does not line up with God’s best for your life then you must challenge your perceptions. Pray for God’s insight and guidance. You are truly a work in progress. Stop waiting for a “graduation day” to feel qualified and ready. Life is fluid, you are ever-changing and growing. Learn what you need at the time you need it and help someone else. Stop fighting it. Bend or you will find yourself breaking. Give up and give in to Him. You will never regret you did.
I heard this the other day, an older man tells a younger man: ” there are two dogs always fighting in man. A good one and an evil one. Which one do you think wins? The younger guy said I don’t know. The older one said the one you feed the most”. What are you feeding in your life? Because whatever it is it will be the strongest. Our world can be so much bigger than the one we sometimes confine ourselves to live in. Get out of your own head and open up your field of vision. You don’t have to define your life by the way it’s always been or always been done. You can come up higher. You were designed for it.
With Love,
Ms. Wanda, GAC